The way to a boulder
Sampling equipment 1
Sampling equipment 2
Measurements of erratic surface dipping
Measurements  of erosion marks
Preparation for sampling
Maybe here...
Sampling I
Sampling II
Sampling III
Sampling IV
Sampling V
Sampling VI
OK, now it is my turn...
Sampling VII
Measurements of sample thickness
Sometimes sampling went even too far...
Sample bag
Quatrz-rich sample
Sample and rock ID
Do you have any boulders...
Towards a boulder...
We will take only veeery small part...
OK, let it be!
One of the samples!
This is my boulder!
Collected samples
And after sampling... time for a lunch!
Sampling team
The first sampling campaign was conducted at the end of the 2015 summer season (from 16 to 23 of September). Small pieces of rocks were collected from the upper surface of 30 of the most suitable boulders:
Retreat of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet in Poland inferred from cosmogenic (10Be) dating of glacial erratics (DatErr)