Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating (TCND) is an excellent tool to investigate timing of paleo-ice sheets retreat by calculating a surface exposure age of glacially eroded bedrock or well-preserved erratics located on moraines (Ivy-Ochs & Kober 2008). TCND has been successfully used for direct dating of the last SIS recession, providing valuable data for the chronology of late Pleistocene glacial phases in Europe (i.a. Rinterknecht et al. 2006a, 2012, Houmark-Nielsen et al. 2012). Independent geochronological techniques such as radiocarbon (14C) and luminescence (OSL) dating have been also widely used in these studies (e.g. Houmark-Nielsen & Kjaer 2003). However, the decay of the last SIS`s southern sector is still a matter of debate, including its absolute time frame, dynamics of ice-margin fluctuations and style of deglaciation (i.a. Houmark-Nielsen et al. 2006, Rinterknecht et al. 2006b, Lüthgens et al. 2011, Böse et al. 2012).

We suggest that North Western (NW) Poland is the key region to resolve this issues. The proposed new set of TCN data will bridge the existing gap between the records available in the "west" and "east":
The exciting perspective to build a comprehensive chronology for the demise of the SIS along its entire southern margin will allow us to understand its dynamic with respect to readily available paleoclimate records. Our approach could be used as an analogue to estimate how the last two remaining ice sheets will behave once they become mostly landbased in the near future.
Surface exposure ages (10Be and 36Cl) of erratic boulders and bedrock available for the southern front of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet (Dzier¿ek & Zreda 2007, Heine et al. 2009, Houmark-Nielsen et al. 2012, Rinterknecht et al. 2006a, 2012, 2014) and the study area.

Böse M., Lüthgens C., Lee J.R., Rose J. 2012
, Quaternary glaciations of northern Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews 44, 1-25.
Dzier¿ek J., Zreda M. 2007, Timing and style of deglaciation of north eastern Poland from cosmogenic 36Cl dating of glacial and glaciofluvial deposits. Geological Quarterly 51, 203-216.
Heine K., Reuther A.U., Thieke H.U., Schulz R., Schlaak N., Kubik P.W. 2009, Timing of Weichselian ice marginal positions in Brandenburg (northeastern Germany) using cosmogenic in situ 10Be. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 53, 433-454.
Houmark-Nielsen M., Kjaer K.H. 2003, Southwest Scandinavia, 40-15 kyr BP: palaeogeography and environmental change. Journal of Quaternary Science 18, 769-786.
Houmark-Nielsen M., Björk S., Wohlfahrt B. 2006, ‘Cosmogenic 10Be ages on the Pomeranian Moraine, Poland‘: Comments. Boreas 35, 600-604.
Houmark-Nielsen M., Linge H., Fabel D., Schnabel C., Xu S., Wilcken K.M., Binnie S. 2012, Cosmogenic surface exposure dating the last deglaciation in Denmark: Discrepancies with independent age constraints suggest delayed periglacial landform stabilisation. Quaternary Geochronology 13, 1-17.
Ivy-Ochs S., Kober F. 2008, Surface exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart Quaternary Science Journal 57, 179-209.
Lüthgens C., Böse M., Preusser F. 2011, Age of the Pomeranian ice-marginal position in northeastern Germany determined by Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of glaciofluvial sediments. Boreas 40, 598-615.
Rinterknecht V.R., Clark P.U.M., Raisbeck G.M, Yiou F., Bitinas A., Brook E.J., Marks L., Zelcs V., Lunkka J.P., Pavlovskaya I.E., Piotrowski J.A., Raukas A. 2006a, The last deglaciation of the southeastern sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Science 311, 1449-1452.
Rinterknecht V.R., Marks L., Piotrowski J.A., Raisbeck G.M., Yiou F., Brook, E.J., Clark, P.U. 2006b, ‘Cosmogenic 10Be ages on the Pomeranian Moraine, Poland’: Reply to Comments. Boreas 35, 605-606.
Rinterknecht V., Braucher R., Böse M., Bourlés D., Mercier J.L. 2012, Late Quaternary ice sheet extents in northeastern Germany inferred from surface exposure dating. Quaternary Science Reviews 44, 89-95.
Rinterknecht V.R., Börner A., Bourlés D., Braucher R. 2014, Cosmogenic 10Be dating of ice sheet marginal belts in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Western Pomerania (northeast Germany). Quaternary Geochronology 19, 42-51.
Retreat of the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet in Poland inferred from cosmogenic (10Be) dating of glacial erratics (DatErr)